#Ruby - Proc and Lambdas

Procs are blocks of code that can be associated with a variable, thus;

>> times3 = Proc.new { |value| value * 3 }
=> #<Proc:0x007fd5811500f0@(irb):1>
>> times3.call(3)
=> 9
>> times3.call(5)
=> 15
>> times3.call(2)
=> 6

Similar behavior could be accomplished with Lambdas.

>> times5 = lambda { |value| value * 5 }
=> #<Proc:0x007fbc6a171708@(irb):1 (lambda)>
>> times5.call(3)
=> 15
>> times5.call(2)
=> 10
>> times5.call(4)
=> 20

TODO: Give more examples and a better explanation.